Kaions 1st independence day has arrived!

Kaions 1st independence day is here heres a message from Prime minister Isaac E.
My fellow citizens and the world greetings from the capital of the Democratic republic of Kaion.. Slavalia. Our first years mainly 2017 and a lot of 2018 as our humble beginnings a year ago today September 3rd 2017. And Today September 3rd 2018 marks the 1 year anniversary of the Democratic republic of kaion. We have established relations with micronations like Iustus, Occitania, Gymnasium state, Posaf, and  many others. We also gained our first embassy ever in a non micronational state. the embassy of the Democratic republic of kaion to denmark. Run by Secretary of transportation and ambassador to denmark Best. we are going to look into opening more diplomatic missions soon. 2019 looks forward to another year of success for Kaion So thank you for being part of The Democratic republic of Kaion and helping us grow we will see you soon.


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